Welcome to Womxn Create

A space for entrepreneurs to launch a brand in a community and with integrity while getting messy.

We're A Brand Enrichment Community

Womxn Create is a collaborative space for entrepreneurs and leaders to craft authentic and charismatic brands. From business to personal identity, your brand evolves through reflection, focus, and creative play. It develops with you as you grow and changes with your reputation. Your brand is a living reflection of where you are and the goals you aspire to become. Why not share the journey toward brand integrity with a tribe of kindred spirits who seek to live a life of value, purpose, and connection?

Our shared values are the glue that binds us:

  • Integrity - Living every day true to ourselves and in harmony with others
  • Creativity - Engaging with inspiration and meaning through curiosity, exploration, and inquiry
  • Vision - Looking ahead toward the future while remaining responsive in the present

Womxn Create is for:

  • Entrepreneurs who want a genuine charismatic brand that rings true to themselves
  • Leaders who are driven by values and want to influence people with a personal brand
  • Community builders looking to attract followers
  • Visionaries with a dream but need a strategy
  • Self-help enthusiasts who love improving themselves
  • Artists and wanna-be artists looking to increase their creativity
  • Anyone seeking focus, accountability, and mindfulness
  • Anyone isolated wanting deeper connections

This space offers members the following:

  1. Creative Collaboration: We build families, foster friendships, and go through life relying on the support of others; why would creating a brand be any different? To shape and mold your brand, you need collective wisdom. Branding is about building a reputation that matches your goals for the future; to build a brand, you need support from outside input!
  2. Focus: Many online places exist to learn new skills, get advice, or follow other people’s frameworks. This community is different. Womxn Create values time to think, process, and evolve your master plan. We will help you hone in on what’s most important to develop your compass.
  3. Consistency: Branding is about repeatedly showing up with the same values, purpose, and mission. But that doesn’t mean you can’t change or chase inspiration when it hits. Consistency is a recipe you must create; we can help you craft it. The ingredients are already there. Consistency is about blending to perfection.
  4. Visioning & Strategy: Building a brand is about juggling immediate needs and future goals. Visioning is a helpful tool to help you find your north star and learn to navigate through uncertain times. On the other hand, strategy is your tasks and mile markers along the route to your vision. In this community, you will learn to master both.
  5. Networking: It’s essential to learn from others but avoid group thinking. This community offers a place to connect on a deeper, more constructive level through structured activities and an emphasis on one-size-does-not-fit-all. Womxn Create is for the bold looking to champion a new path together to share the spoils of collaborating.
  6. A Space to Prototype: Womxn Create aims to promote and showcase its members. It is also a safe space to experiment, explore, and test your brand as it is in development. That means speaking, engaging, and partnering with other members to bring this platform to life. You get to help shape it and share your ideas!

Paid Members Have Access to:

  1. Regular Branding Circles: Group coaching led by ICF Certified Coach and Brand Strategist Hannah Waen, ACC. Each session focuses on a different aspect of branding with engaging conversation. 
  2. Community-Led Workshops and Talks: Join hosted learning experiences and member-led lectures. Share your talents and practice your presentation skills! 
  3. Virtual Co-Working and Creative Sprints: Come together for guided work sessions to focus on a project. Sprints help you go deeper in less time with intentional structure. 
  4. Resource Library: A growing collection of blog posts, workshops, and talks to reference as needed covering branding, marketing, mindset, and business strategies.
  5. Community Directory: Network and foster deeper connections with kindred spirits exploring branding, leadership, personal development, and business growth. 
  6. Vision & Strategy Sessions: Let’s go beyond vision boards to envision a vibrant future. Then let’s work backward to generate lasting and meaningful transformation.

Ask yourself, a year from now, 
where do you want to be?

Your vision is our vision. Join us so we can help you get there! 
Plus, any transformative journey is better shared with friends.

Ready to Join?

I can't wait to meet you! 

Hannah Waen, ACC
Coach and Founder of Womxn Create,
a Hest Creative Community